When you invest in a beautiful timber gate, you want it to look as good as new for many years to come. The best way to make this happen? Learn about how to care for your gate using a top quality timber treatment.
Read on for Somerlap’s top tips on how to care for and protect your timber gate.
How to care for softwood gates
Many of our gates are made out of softwood, such as our Cottage Wooden Side Gate and Devon Treated Softwood Gate. Softwood timber gates are generally supplied pressure treated, meaning they are protected against insect invasion and wood rot. However, pressure treating does not protect your gate from weathering as time goes by.
It’s recommended to protect softwood gates with a modern UV oil or treatment, such as Protek Royal Exterior Superior Wood Finish. UV oil allows wood to breathe, and is typically faster drying and longer lasting than more traditional oils. It is also water-repellent and will prevent moisture penetrating the timber of your gate, reducing cracking as the wood ages.
How to apply a treatment to a timber gate
It is important, when applying a wood finish treatment to a gate, to focus on any horizontal surfaces that might collect water. These are the places where the coating will wear away more quickly. By contrast, vertical surfaces can last for years before a fresh coat of treatment is needed.
You should aim to treat your timber gate at least once each year (or sooner if looks like it needs it). Before applying the treatment, clean your gate with soapy water or a gate cleaner. For the best results, paint on the oil using a flat brush, brushing along the grain of the wood.
Apply at least two coats of the treatment, allowing the wood to dry in between coats. Ensure your brush any drips out straight away, otherwise they will dry and set hard.
Your timber gate will gradually weather in colour, first to a rich honey brown, and eventually to a beautiful silver grey. This does not indicate any loss of protection but – if you wish to retain the look of your freshly pressure-treated gate – you can use a protective wood stain with a UV blocker to stop the greying process.
Garden gate care is easy with Somerlap
From our Cross Top Gate to our Arched Gate With Lattice, there’s plenty of choice on offer in Somerlap’s beautiful garden gate range. We also stock everything you need to treat your timber gate and keep it looking stunning for years to come.
Visit us at our site in Mark, Somerset, or get in touch with our friendly team to find out more.
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